Spine Care - Bone Health


Inflammatory arthritis is characterized by ankylosing spondylosis primarily affecting the lower back. Ankylosing Spondylosis is commonly known as Bechterews disease. Ankylosing Spondylosis is characterized by back pain, joint stiffness, and stiffness in the back. It is possible that the bones in the spine fuse over time as a result of this condition.


Back and Neck Pain

The spine is the main foundation upon which the entire body rests. Sedentary lifestyles are the main contributors to spine problems.

The spine is supported by muscles between each vertebra. When these muscles are toned, they act as shock absorbers. They keep the spine upright and help it remain upright. The only erect animal in the world is man and we should take advantage of it both positively and negatively. As gravity pulls everything down, the spine is also pulled down as well. However, strong and toned soft tissues hold the spine in place and prevent it from prolapsing. Any injury or jerk will result in a prolapse. In addition to bending the spine forward, an extended abdomen will also cause the spine to extend.

When a disc prolapse occurs at different levels of the spine, typically cervical or lumbar (most common), surgery can also be used to treat it if the injury is caused. However, if the prolapse was caused by poor lifestyle, surgery is not an option. Unless soft tissues are strengthened, the next joint will prolapse if they are not strengthened.

As part of our treatment program, we focus on strengthening and toning the muscles and soft tissues. A proper follow-up program and mild to moderate lifestyle changes are essential to resolving spine issues.

Similar Conditions

  • Cervical Spondylosis
  • Lumbar Spondylosis
  • Ankylosing Spondylosis
  • Sciatica


Cervical (Neck Pain)

Spondylosis is a condition that usually worsens with age and is often referred to as degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) of the spine.

Degenerative Disc Diseases

An age-related condition characterized by loss of cushioning, fragmentation, and herniation of the discs between the vertebrae.

It is possible that there are no symptoms. In some cases, the spine loses flexibility and bone spurs may pinch a nerve root, causing pain and weakness.

A variety of treatment options are available, including exercise, medication, and physiotherapy.

Inter Vertebral Disc Bulge

An herniated disk can occur anywhere along the spine, but most often occurs in the lower back. It is commonly associated with lower back pain as well as leg pain.

Lumbar (Back Pain)

The lower portion of the spine (lumbar) is commonly affected by this painful condition.

An injury to a muscle or ligament (strain) causes low back pain. Common causes include improper lifting, poor posture, lack of regular exercise, fracture, ruptured disc, or arthritis.


A person with sciatica suffers from pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the hips and buttocks to the legs. Typically, sciatica affects only one side of the body.

Spinal Canal Stenosis

Spinal canal narrowing.

It is common for spinal stenosis to affect the neck and lower back, as well as the nerves within the spine. The condition is often attributed to age-related wear and tear.


The condition occurs when a vertebra slips forward onto the vertebra below.

When the vertebra slips too far, it can press on nerves and cause severe back pain or nerve crowding, resulting in leg pain and numbness.

Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder is characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint

People with diabetes and those whose arm movement is minimal for a prolonged period of time are more likely to develop this condition.

Gouty Arthritis

An extremely painful form of arthritis, gout is characterized by sharp crystals that form in the joints as a result of uric acid in the body.

Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis is characterized by inflammation or pain in the knee joints. Any joint in the body may be affected by the disease, but it is particularly common in the knee.

Having knee arthritis makes it difficult to perform many everyday activities, such as walking or climbing stairs. It is a major cause of lost work time and a serious disability for many people.


The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones wears down over time. Although osteoarthritis can affect any joint, it tends to affect the hands, knees, hips, and spine the most.


A condition known as osteoporosis is characterized by brittle, weak bones.

Bone tissue is constantly absorbed and replaced by the body. However, osteoporosis leads to a deficiency in the production of new bone tissue.

There are many people who do not exhibit any symptoms until they have suffered a bone fracture.

Rheumatic Arthritis

A person who suffers from arthritis usually experiences pain and stiffness as they age. Arthritis generally occurs in people over the age of 50. It can be classified into two types: degenerative and infectious arthritis. Both are conditions which are difficult to treat.

Degeneration is a law of nature, but it can definitely be slowed down if it is occurring due to lifestyle issues. Sedentary lifestyles and constant trauma caused by excessive weight can contribute to degenerative arthritis. Obesity causes weight-bearing joints such as the knees, hips and ankles to degenerate more rapidly. Injury and improper handling of these joints can also contribute to arthritis.

There are many forms of infectious arthritis, but the most common form is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), an auto-immune condition that causes inflammation of all joints (especially the small ones). If not treated properly, this can result in joint disfigurement. Steroids are usually prescribed in order to treat this condition.

There are slight differences in treatment approaches for both types. With the infective type, we must first address the inflammation before treating the joint directly. In most cases, inflammation occurs throughout the body even if it appears only locally, but ultimately the treatment is the strengthening of muscles around the joint and toning of soft tissues. It is also necessary to undergo mild to moderate lifestyle changes in order to maintain sustained results.

What is Panchakarma?

An integral part of Panchakarma is the elimination of toxins from the nearest orifice through five major procedures. The concept of cleansing the body has been borrowed by allied sciences including Yoga, and is inherent to Ayurveda. There is no other medical system in the world that has the science of body-mind detoxification.

The body contains millions of cells and they have their own metabolism. Every metabolism will produce something good and leave behind something bad (toxins). That’s the concept of Ayurveda. Body is like an automobile. When there is combustion and the vehicle runs, a lot of energy is created to propel the vehicle forward. Along with that lot of carbon and waste are also left behind. This is removed from regular service otherwise the performance of the vehicle is affected. Likewise the body also needs regular cleansing to keep it healthy.

In every human body, there are millions of cells that have a unique metabolism. Every metabolism produces something good and leaves behind something bad (toxins). This is the concept of Ayurveda. The body is like an automobile. As a result of combustion, a significant amount of energy is produced when a vehicle is driven. In addition to that, a considerable amount of carbon and waste is also produced during the combustion process. This is removed from regular service as it affects the vehicle’s performance. To maintain good health, the body also requires regular cleansing.

Panchakarma Treatment Therapies

Phase 1 – Poorva Karma

To begin with, all the toxins are dislodged from wherever they are and brought to the gut by administering fat (oil or ghee) externally or internally, followed by the application of heat.

Phase 2 – Pradhana Karma

Additionally, these are expelled from the body by five procedures (Panchakarma).

  1. Vamana (Emesis)
  2. Virechana (Purgation)
  3. Vasti (Medicated Enema)
  4. Nasya (Nasal Medication)
  5. Raktamoksha (Blood Letting)

Phase 3 – Pashchath Karma

Finally, the body must be brought back to normal and rejuvenated starting with a reduced diet and mild activity and gradually increasing them. All three of these steps are equally important. However, Kerala Panchakarma therapy places equal importance on the first and third steps as well. If toxins are not properly accumulated, the elimination procedure becomes namesake. Similarly, if aftercare is not given priority, the person’s immunity is adversely affected. 


Panchakarma, the comprehensive Ayurvedic therapy for ultimate mind-body cleansing, incorporates five types of Ayurvedic therapeutic measures to detoxify the body and eliminate disease causing toxic elements. Often, it is undertaken to purify the body as Ayurveda strongly advises that purification and detoxification take place before any therapy or treatment can be initiated. As well as the Ayurvedic detoxification, Panchakarma is recommended for strengthening the immune system of the body in order to restore the overall balance and well-being. According to Ayurveda, good health is essential for boosting our metabolic rate. Our bodies are vulnerable to the accumulation of toxins if they lack strength and stamina to complete the digestion process, as they easily accumulate within our body tissues, resulting in an imbalance which can ultimately lead to illness. With Panchakarma, traditional Ayurvedic cleansing procedures can help to prevent this by flushing out toxins and restoring the body’s innate healing abilities.

The Panchakarma Therapy involves five steps depending on the patient’s constitutional type, imbalance of doshas, age, digestive strength, level of immunity, and individual needs.

In this five-fold treatment, special Ayurvedic diets are prescribed for body cleansing, as well as several consecutive days of deep relaxation and rejuvenation therapies, along with traditional Ayurvedic cleansing treatments like hot oil massages, steam baths, and mild herbal enemas.

Panchakarma treatments have the following benefits:

  • Eliminates the vulnerability to disease at its source.
  • Maintains a balance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
  • Your immune system will be boosted.
  • System of vital importance to the body.
  • Toxins that cause disease should be removed.
  • Enhances physical and mental performance.
  • The complexion of the skin is improved.
  • Providing assistance in losing excess weight
  • Provide relief from insomnia, anxiety, and mental problems.
  • Strengthens the body and increases stamina
  • Flexibility of the joints is increased

Ayurvedic Treatments

Sodhana treatment – A process of elimination using panchakarma.

Samana treatment – Treatment with internal and external medications that are conservative in nature


Through a series of systematic treatment regimes, Nasyam, Vamanam, Virechanam, Kashayavasthi, Rakthamoksham, results are achieved even in incurable diseases. The body is purified, and the normal rhythm of life is restored.

As a result of an in-depth analysis of the patient’s medical history and physical health, the Panchakarma program is customized for each patient. In addition to treatment modalities, dietary, counseling, detoxification, and rejuvenation treatments, they will also receive an individualized module tailored to their needs. An in-depth evaluation of these parameters will result in the design of a treatment duration that can range from 7 to 45 days.

Under the supervision of vaidhyamana ayurvedic physicians, all therapies are administered by specially trained masseurs.

Three stages are involved in this process

  1. Poorvakarma (Pre – procedures)
  2. Pradhanakarma ( Pachakarama procedure)
  3. Paschat karma (post procedures)

1. Poorvakarma (Pre – procedures)

Prepare the body for Panchakarma therapy, which includes Snehana (Oleation) and Swedana (Sudation).

Snehana Therapy

By administering fatty substances internally and externally, Snehana lubricates the body systems. A crucial component of Panchakarma is Snehapana (internal administration of Sneha). There are four types of Snehana dravyas available – Ghrita (Ghee), Taila (Oil), Vasa (Fat), and Majja (bone marrow). Among these, Ghrita is considered to be the most effective.

Snehana (Oleation) includes:

  • Abhyantara Snehana (Internal Oleation)
  • Bahya snehana (External Oleation)

There are two categories of Abhyantara snehana: Achhapana and Vicharana. In Achhapana, medicated or non-medicated Sneha (Ghee/ Oil) is consumed without mixing with food or other medicinal preparations for softening and lubricating the body tissues prior to Shodhana.The process of cleansing accumulated doshas (metabolic waste products), can be done using internal and external medicines.

Swedana Therapy

During Swedana, sweating (sudation) is artificially induced in a patient or volunteer who has already undergone Snehana.

Swedana is of four types –  Tapa Sweda, Ushma Sweda, Upnaha Sweda, Drava Sweda

The patient is administered Snehana and Swedana for three to seven days, depending upon whether fat is detected in the stool, which is considered the endpoint of Snehana.

This treatment utilizes a variety of heat modalities to liquefy the cleansed / lubricated doshas, which is then brought into the alimentary tract through sudation therapy and eliminated through appropriate panchakarma.

2.Pradhanakarma ( Pachakarama procedure)


The term “Abhyanga” means oil massage. We at Nagarjuna perform the “Abhyanga” as a pre-process to Panchakarma. Two expert therapists conduct the “Abhyanga” in a systematic and synchronised manner. The benefit of massage is that it improves metabolism, which in turn increases tissue respiration, improves circulation, and helps the body flush out waste products more efficiently. “Abhyanga” improves concentration, intelligence, confidence, and youthfulness. It alleviates Vata problems. It provides comfort to the eyes, sound sleep, tones up the body, improves flexibility, softness and firmness of the skin, and extends life. It is the most ancient method of reducing muscle fatigue and pain. A special wooden table known as a “Dhroni” is used for the massage. The “Dhroni” are made of trees such as Neem or Nuxvomica and other trees containing similar medicinal properties. Medicated herbal oil applied over the body penetrates the skin, down to muscles, nerve endings, and vascular system and excites the peripheral nervous system, stimulating numerous organ systems. It fights neuromuscular disorders, Pakshavadha (Hemiplegia), paraplegia, Gridhrasi (Sciatica). Rheumatological disorders, Arthritis, Lumbago, Old Age, Headache, Bodyache, and rejuvenates the body.

Kati Vasthi

With this technique, warm medicated oil is placed over the lower back while a tank is filled with herbal powder paste. This treatment lasts for 30-45 minutes and is specifically effective for low back pain, lumbago and degenerative vertebral diseases, disc prolapse, etc.

Patrapodala/pinda Sweda

A small bag containing herbal leaves is applied to the whole body in boluses and heated with warm medicated oils for 45 minutes. This treatment is used for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylosis, sports injuries, etc.

Pizhichil/Taila Dhara(Oil bath)

Developed from ancient classical treatment known as Kayadhara, Pizhichil emerged in Kerala as a unique treatment. In Pizhichil, medicated herbal oil is poured all over the body in a rhythmic fashion for about 45-60 minutes every day. It is recommended that the therapy be performed over a period of seven days at the very least. This treatment is extremely effective in Neuromuscular disorders, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Peripheral Neuropathy, and other degenerative conditions, Muscular and Ligamentous injuries, Orthopedic & Rheumatological problems – Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Degenerative joint diseases, Contusion injuries, Post fracture stiffness of joints, Dislocation of joints.

Siro Vasthi

As a result of the patient’s conditions, lukewarm herbal oil is poured into a cap and kept on for 15 to 60 minutes a day. For facial paralysis, migraines, dry nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches and other Vata-related diseases, this treatment is highly effective. In addition to treating the loss of tactile perception, facial paralysis, speech difficulties, insomnia and nervous disorders, this product is also effective in treating other diseases affecting the head, eyes, ears, and nose.

ShastikaPindaSwedam (Nijavarakizhi)

Rice boluses and medicated milk are applied over the body to treat neuromuscular disorders, paraplegia, muscular wasting, osteoarthritis, and other degenerative conditions, as well as rejuvenation therapy.


An applied medicated oil or decoction (kashaya) is continuously poured onto the forehead for a specified period of time. During this process, herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk, etc., are poured on the forehead for approximately 45 minutes a day using a special pot. The treatment is effective in treating diseases of the head and neck, insomnia, impaired memory, spondylitis, paraplegia, fatigue, and depletion of vitality. Additionally, this treatment stimulates nerves, reduces stiffness, and is proven to be effective for treating rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Siro Pichu

Overhead sponging with oil

Tala pothichil

Especially prepared paste is applied overhead in the treatment of degenerative brain and spine disorders such as cerebral palsy and otoneuropathies.

Netra karma

This includes specific eye therapies primarily intended for acute and chronic illnesses. All these therapies are based on the diagnosis and strictly adhere to protocols to ensure that the treatment will be effective. Tarpanam, Sekam, Anjanam, Aschyothanam, Pindi, Bidalakam, Pichu, Putapakam, Purampuda.

Kadeevasthi/Janu vasthi/uoro vasthi

Back, knee, and neck problems treated with oil to treat the root cause and nourish the muscles that support the spine

Steam bath

As a result of herbal steam bath, impurities (excess doshas) are eliminated and relaxation is provided. It is recommended for neuromuscular disorders such as hemiplegia, paraplegia, sciatica, rheumatological conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, stiffness after fracture, and rejuvenation therapy.

3.Paschat Karma (post procedures)

Following a panchakarma therapy, this is a special procedure and diet regimen consisting of successive diets and Samana regimes, starting from a light soup to a heavy diet according to a physician’s instructions.


In the practice of therapeutic emesis, medications are administered and eliminated through the mouth. Respiratory disorders, ENT disorders, skin diseases (psoriasis), diabetes mellitus, psychiatric diseases, autoimmune disorders, drug and heavy metal intoxication, and psychiatric disorders are among the conditions treated by this therapy.


Purgation for therapeutic purposes involving oral medication and elimination of vitiated doshas through the anal canal, skin diseases, jaundice, low back pain, piles, eye disease (cataract), allergic reactions, neurological disorders, musculoskeletal injuries, general wellness, and detoxification of the body.


The administration of drugs through the nostrils for therapeutic purposes. Migraine, trigeminal neuralgia (Trigeminal neuralgia), facial palsy (bell’s palsy), cervical spondylosis, degenerative disc diseases, IVDP, bone disorders, sinusitis, eye disorders, hair loss are all relieved by this purification method. As well as treating paralytic and mental disorders, Nasyam is effective...

Nirooha/Kashaya vasthi

It is a highly effective method of treating VATA diseases localized in the extremities, alimentary tract, vital organs all over the body, nerve disorders, etc. This treatment uses a specially prepared decoction in which medicine is administered through the anal canal and vitiated doshas are eliminated through the anal canal. Particularly, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, osteoarthritis, paralysis, etc.


Different methods of therapeutic bloodletting are available

Jalukavacharana (Leech therapy), Prchanna (Pricking method), Siravedha (Venesection), and Siringaalabu (Horn therapy).

To know more, contact us at

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