
Vamana is a procedure in which Doshas (waste products or toxins) are eliminated through upper channels i.e. mouth especially the Kapha and Pitta Dosha brought to amashaya (stomach and duodenum) from all over the body by the specific Procedures and then eliminated out by inducing the emesis.

The clinical features of post COVID symptoms of Jwara and DushtaPratishyaya mentioned in Ayurveda classics, especially have preponderance of KaphaDosha. If the patient is having good strength and KaphaDosha is predominant, then Vamana can be opted as a choice of treatment. Hence, Ayurveda intervention, involving a personalized approach based on Prakruti (nature based on of physical and mental attributes) of patient is planned for a post COVID patient. Vamana Karma is followed by oral drugs as per prakruti based assessment and management.


Procedure includes 3 section:

  • Poorva karma: Deepana – Pachana & Snehanam – Swedanam
  • Pradhanakarma: Vamana Karma
  • Paschat karma: Samsarjana kramam

Package cost: Rs.12.800/-


  • Doctor consultation
  • Medicines for Snehapana, Vamana & Virechana
  • Abhyanga and Steam bath (1 day)
  • Diet chart: during the procedure
  • Samsarjana krama chart

Procedure details with Medicines

  • Deepanaoushadis (First 3 days)
  • Snehapana (5-6days)
  • Snehanam&Swedanam (1 day): abhyangam and bhashpaswedam with desired oil
  • Vamanana (1 day)
  • Virechanam( 1 day)
  • Samsarjana krama( 3/5/7 Days): peya, manda, vilepi , yusha

The cost of all internal medicines differ according to the condition of each patient.
Note: Treatment plans may change depending on patient’s conditions.


  • Dislodges the toxins from respiratory system and gastrointestinal track.

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