
For a species to continue to exist on the universe, reproduction is one of its most important requirements. Prasuti tantra (Branch dealing with obstetrics) explains the birth process with pre- and post-event knowledge as part of Kaumara brtya (Branch dealing with pediatrics), which is an integral part of it. The preconceptional care in Ayurveda was described centuries ago to get a disease-free and good progeny by following the regimen and rituals. A recent study found that each seminal ejaculation depletes the body energy of the male complement, hence maintaining the quality and energy of sperm required a month of celibacy before conception. Before conception, Aharaniyama aims to improve the quality of sperm and ovum. Garbhadhana and Puthreshti discuss the preparation of would-be parents as well as the evocation of a desire for good progeny by preparing the mind-set of prospective parents. In order to provide optimal health to mother and baby, preconception care is an extension of prenatal care.

Treatments with Ayurveda aim to cleanse the individual from within by reducing toxins, thereby improving metabolism, strengthening immunity and regulating bowel movements. As a result, Ayurveda promotes the ability to cope with the stresses and diseases of human life in order to provide a more permanent cure from within. Both partners should be prepared prior to conception in Ayurveda.

Preconception care can be defined as providing biomedical, behavioral, and social health interventions to women and couples prior to conception.

  1. The goal of the program is to improve both the short-term as well as the long-term health of mothers, fathers, and children.
  2. The provision of appropriate and comprehensive preconception care can be achieved by providing lifestyle advice to optimize the health of the mother, by assisting with chronic maternal health problems, by identifying couples at risk of developing genetic or chromosomal malformations, and by providing them with sufficient information to make informed decisions. Care provided to couples planning a pregnancy well in advance of conception is known as preconception care.

Providing preconception care is one such preventive measure to get Shreyasipraja, by identifying high-risk factors early and mitigating their adverse effects.

According to Ayurveda, Garbhasambhavasamagri (Factors Responsible for Conception) mentions the importance of four factors necessary for conception:

  • Ritu (the time when ovulation occurs, when the chances of conception are greatest).
  • A. Kshetra (the area of the reproductive tract where fertilization and implantation take place)
  • Ambu (a complete nutrition program that includes all the hormones)
  •  Beeja (healthy sperm and ovaries)

There are three types of preconceptional interventions: physical, psychological and spiritual.


Panchkarma, aahar-vihar, yoga and pranayam are examples of physical interventions.

Panchakarma :

As part of Shodhana (purification) therapy, the couple must undergo Purvakarma (preparatory measures), Snehana (oilation), Swedana, and then Vamana, Virechana (purgation), Asthapana (decoction enema), and Anuvasana basti (oil enema)

A healthy seed bears healthy fruit, and the first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is to cleanse the body deeply in order to balance the doshas and eliminate toxins (known as ama) by detoxifying the body (known as panchakarma). It is equally important for both partners to practice pathya apathya sevana, particularly avoiding alcoholism and smoking. This can be achieved through the use of panchakarma Rasayan (rejuvenation) and Vajikar (aphrodisiac).

According to Ayurvedic principles, the birth of a healthy child is equivalent to the planting of a tree, for which we need seeds, soil, the right time, and the right nourishment.

  • A healthy sperm and ovum are considered to be equivalent to the seeds
  • The soil is viewed as the uterus in good health,
  • The appropriate time to plant a seed is determined by the ovulation cycle
  • Obviously, nourishment refers to the nourishment of the foetus and the mother.

Thus, all expectant mothers should undergo a bio-purification procedure or detoxification process. There are specific actions mentioned in AYURVEDA for the benefit of mankind, which not only increase the chance for conception, but also ensure that children are born in good health.

“Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma for all expectant mothers.”

What does Panchakarma entail?

This is Ayurveda’s superior mind-body healing experience. It is an experience, rather than a therapy, but it is nonetheless considered to be an experience.

A Panchakarma programme combines different therapies of deep cleansing, purification, and rejuvenation to detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, and restore equilibrium.

You can benefit physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually from panchakarma

Panchakarma: why is it important?

You can put all the garbage in a bin and cover it for a short period of time. If you have a lot of garbage in your room or around you, what do you do? For how long would you survive in an environment that is full of garbage? How can you survive amidst the bad stuff? Obviously most of us will choose the second option: to hide all the bad stuff by covering or to put it in a bin for disposal at the right place. As a method of rejuvenation, Ayurvedic detoxification therapy or PANCHAKARMA is a suitable choice.

A healthy metabolism (‘Agni’)

Assimilation of food into the body plays a crucial role in the health and function of all tissues. Thus, the first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is to ensure the metabolism is functioning properly in order to ensure healthy sperm and eggs. To achieve optimal metabolism, a deep internal cleansing is conducted to balance the doshas and remove toxins (known as ‘Ama’). It is recommended that you use VIRECHANA (one of the Panchakarma therapies) in this case.

Who needs VIRECHANA and why?

When feeling unbalanced or unwell, VIRECHANA is typically performed on a seasonal basis. Although the body has innate detoxification processes, these can be overwhelmed by ongoing poor nutrition, lifestyle choices and stress that weaken Agni (digestive fire) and result in the accumulation of Ama (toxins) throughout the body.

During the removal process, VIRECHANA takes great care to avoid removing any vital substances.

In the course of a VIRECHANAM treatment, what happens?

The first step in the detoxification process is to prepare the body through purvakarma (pre-detox measures).

There are two steps involved in this process: A combination of internal and external factors (oelation and sweating)

In this way, the body can release toxins and draw them into the digestive tract, where they may be eliminated through the appropriate detoxification process.

Snehana (oleation): The intake of medicated ghee on an empty stomach is called Snehapanam. This procedure is used as both a therapeutic procedure and a preparatory procedure during the process of purifying the body.

An internal dose of medicated ghee or oils is administered over a period of three to five days, in proportional increments.

After the Snehapanam is Swedana (sweating)

It is recommended to perform ABHYANGA (Ayurvedic oil massage) for three days, and Swedana (Steam Bath) for two days. In a special chamber using medicated steam, the head is kept cool, outside the chamber and the rest of the body is exposed to steam and heated to assist in elimination of toxins.

Second Step: Detoxification Processes VIRECHANA

Orally consumed medicated herbs help to eliminate toxins through the excretion of stool. After a few hours there will be a sensation to pass the stool, which continues up to four to ten times, depending on the intensity of the toxicity.

VIRECHANAM therapy has a number of benefits:

  • Improves enzyme activity, clears the channels
  • It stimulates the senses, improves the complexion and color of the skin.
  • It improves the virility, delays the aging process.
  • It nourishes the tissues, enhances strength, and allows a person to live a long and healthy life.


It is considered that Vastikarma is the most important procedure in the five fold Pancakarma system. Therefore, Vasti Karma is a specific therapeutic procedure in which medicines are administered through the gudamarga (per rectum) system. There are times when medicines may also be administered via other routes, such as the Urethra or vagina, and this procedure is called Uttara vasti.


  1. Anuvasana Vasti (oleus Vasti)
  2. Niruha Vasti (non-oleus Vasti)
  3. Uttara Vasti (urethral/vaginal Vasti) 

Classification in two directions includes

  1. Niruha Vasti or Asthapana Vasti.
  2. Snaihika Vasti or Anuvasana Vasti


Due to its unique formulations and the use of medicines, Vasti therapy has many different actions. Depending on the medications used, Vasti may cause a number of samsodhana effects or samana effects. Since it performs the sodhanas of Vata, Pitta, Kapha, and Vit (faeces), it is a triidosahara therapy. In addition to providing happiness, long life, strength, intelligence, clarity of voice, and colour to healthy individuals, this therapy is highly beneficial.

Besides being beneficial to the elderly, Vastikarma also cures all the diseases related to Sakha, Kostha, Marmasthi, Sandhi, etc .

Even though vasti therapy covers a wide range of illnesses involving a variety of Dosas, Dusyas, and Adhisthanas, Vasti is primarily intended for treating Vatika disorders. Vata’s relative importance has already been acknowledged, and it has a predominant influence on the three major routes of disease, niz-sakha, kostha and marma . This is why the vasti therapy is considered half of the whole treatment and sometimes to be a complete treatment, as it is the primary therapy for the disease.


It is one of the most important therapeutic procedures in Ayurveda. It is not limited to effects on the rectum and samsodhana of malas (feces), but also produces widespread effects on the entire body.

As indicated in vatika disorders, it can influence all th dosas with the addition of various types of medicines. In accordance with Ayurveda, pakwasaya is the principal seat of vayu, whereas vasti normalizes the vata. Thus, vasti karma eliminates the morbid dosas and dusyas from the entire body (by Srotosudhi) whether lodged in one part or the entire body. Thus, its effects are also tridosahara.


Utharavasthi is a form of enema administered through the urinary passage (urethra) in men and through the vaginal tract in women.


The vasthi medicine is administered through the vaginal orifice in this method. It helps to expel morbid doshas from the uterus (garbhashaya).


There is a subtype of Vayu in the lower parts of the body called Apana Vayu. This Vayu is responsible for controlling and governing all activities undertaken in the lower parts of the body (expulsion, excretion, etc.). It has direct control over the colon, pelvis, urinary bladder, uterus, and lower limbs. Apana vayu and associated subdoshas are disturbed when medicines are administered through the vaginal or urethral route, thereby curing respective disorders.

There is a cleansing effect to uthara vasthi, especially niruha vasthi, which restores the process of urination, menstruation, and sexual functions. The organs become clean and sterile, eliminating inflammations, irritations, stagnation and infections. It prepares the uterus for conception and gives birth to healthy children.

Snehavasti administered in Uttara vasthi has a supportive function. They provide nutritive benefits and improve blood circulation, nerve conduction, and immunity.

Importance of diet: 

  • Male aspect: 
  1.  Ghrita: Ghrita has Vata-Pitta Shamaka qualities and is Sitavirya (cold potency). It also has the quality of Rasayana, which aids in the proper functioning of Shukra and thereby assists in conception.
  2. Shali: This is a product that alleviates Pitta Dosha by promoting the qualities of Shukra through Madhura Rasa, Snigdha, Balya, Vrishya, Brimhana, etc.
  • Female aspect:
  1. Masha: It is Vatahara, Snigdha, Ushna Virya, and Madhura Rasa. It also possesses the qualities of Balya and Pumsatwa. Additionally, it is chemically constituted of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin B, magnesium, calcium, iron, and folic acid, all of which are necessary for conception and pregnancy. Calcium and magnesium contribute significantly to regulating estrogen levels. Folic acid also contributes significantly to the prevention of neural tube defects. These qualities help to promote Artava’s qualities.
  2. Taila: It is effective in Vataja disorders and does not increase Kapha. It promotes strength (Balya) and helps in Yoni Vishodhana (purifying the Yoni Marga). Tila Taila has the property of Garbhashaya Vishodhanam. As a result, these qualities support the proper functioning of female reproductive organs, which leads to fertilization. The psychological well-being of the couple is a major contributing factor to conception.

Yoga & Pranayama

Due to the fact that stress is a major cause of reduced fertility in both sexes, taking steps to relax body and mind is also key. Yoga is especially useful in providing a systematic way of inducing complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.

Interventions in psychology

It is well known in Ayurveda that the thoughts of the couple before and during conception can produce a foetus that mimics their thoughts. Many of the hormones required for healthy ovum & sperm, ovulation, conception & foetal growth are affected by stress. Stress alters estrogen, progesterone and testosterone production. Stress also alters the immune system, which may affect fertility. It is important to understand that Ayurvedic procedures like Shirodhara, performed with cooling and calming medicated oils, play a very important role here as they relieve stress and anxiety and contribute to bringing about a peaceful disposition of mind.


In Shirodhara, medicated oil, liquids, or decoctions are continuously and gently poured over the forehead. Shirodhara instantly calms the mind, relaxes it and has a cleansing effect on nerves and mind. It can relieve anxiety, menopausal stress, infertility stress, fatique & hypertension. The use of shirodhara has been shown to alleviate vertigo, sleeplessness, disturbed sleep, psoriasis, depression, headache, etc.

A strong community can be built when individuals have a good mind and a healthy body. A healthy progeny is born when the best quality sperm and ovum meet. This baby will grow up with a sound mind and healthy body as a result. In order to build a wise and intelligent future generation, couples should adopt preconceptional care. Preconception measures in Ayurveda can assist couples in preparing for a new life and contributing to a healthy society by preparing them for it.



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