Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s Disease

  • Hereditary
  • Drug-Induced
  • Traumatic (Internal & External)
  • Exposure to extreme climatic conditions
  • Exposure to Chemicals, Fertilizers and other Poisonous materials

Ayurvedic Treatments:

There is a reference to Kampavata (Parkinson’s disease) in ancient Ayurvedic texts 

“Kara paata thale kambe dehabhramana dukhitae, nidra bango smriti ksheena kampavaatasya lakshana”  -(Ref: Besavarajeeyam)

The classical treatment advised for Kampavata (Parkinson’s Disease) are


Ayurveda takes a unique approach to the management by Ayurvedic principles with an emphasis on eliminating their causes through Panchakarma and medicinal treatment utilizing a wide variety of herbal and herbal-mineral drugs. In Ayurveda, a variety of nootropic drugs (stimulating mental activity, causing cerebral or intellectual activity) as well as nervous system tonics (such as Rasayana in the treatment of Vata diseases) are described. Rasayana drugs are essentially nutraceutical agents and Medhya Rasayana consists of specific neuro-nutrients or nervine tonics with nootropic effects. Parkinson’s disease is considered to be a neurodegenerative disease.


It has been shown that internal medicine, as well as external applications of medicine, play an important role in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Internal medicines include Kashaya (decoction), tablets, capsules, Ghruthas (medicated Ghee) Bhasmas and medicated oils.

Pathya (Dietary Regimens)

A pathya for kampavata consists of: high fibre food, wheat, jowar, kulatha, masha, til, and sarsha (mustard) oil, ghee, milk, lashuna, hingu, ela, and specially meat from some selective animals.

Additional Treatment

  • It can be beneficial to maintain and improve mobility, flexibility, strength, gait speed, and quality of life through regular physical exercise with or without physical therapy.
  • Medications are effective in treating movement, cognitive, and behavioral disorders.
  • Movement and balance problems can be treated with physiotherapy.
  • A speech and language therapist can provide assistance with swallowing and communication problems.
  • The occupational therapist can advise on equipment and adaptations for the home as well as suggest strategies for completing daily tasks so the patient can maintain as much independence as possible.
  • Cognitive disorders can be treated with the assistance of a clinical psychologist

    Avoid natural urges, such as ratri jagarana, katu tikta kashya rasa, excessive chinta, shoka, and cold water.


    A neuro-developmental disorder, autism is characterized by a lack of reciprocity and communication as well as unusual, restricted, repetitive behaviors. Autism Spectrum Disorders begin in early childhood and are characterized by qualitative impairments in communication skills, social interactions and reciprocity, imagination, and play. In Ayurveda, Unamada is a disease which is related to autism. Different varieties of Autism Spectrum Disorders share many clinical features with Vatika and Kaphaja dominant Unamada.

    Brief with types

    The classification of Autism Spectrum Disorders has undergone many revisions with progression of knowledge and time. At present, the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders encompasses all similar disorders characterized by Autistic features. Autism Spectrum Disorders include the following conditions. 

    • Autistic disorder
    • Asperger Syndrome
    • Rett Syndrome
    • Pervasive Developmental Disorder- Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)  
    • Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)

    Previously, Autism was classified as Pervasive Developmental Disorders. There are a variety of disorders known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders, characterized by abnormalities in communication, social interaction, and repetitive activities and interests.

    Autism Spectrum Disorders: Clinical Features Social interactions and relationships:

    • Lack of eye contact and facial expressions 
    • Lack of joyful expressions 
    • Lack of gestures 
    • Lack of sharing of enjoyment
    • Lack of response to name 
    • Lack of interest in other children, prefers to play alone 
    • Lack of sharing enjoyment or achievements with other people
    • Failure to form close relationships with peers or children of same age
    • Abnormal body posture
    • Unaware of other’s feelings or distress such as pain or grief 
    • Difficulty seeing other’s point of view
    • Treating others as objects or tools

    Verbal and nonverbal communication: 

    • Delay in speech or lack of learning to talk
    • Problems in taking steps to start a conversation
    • Stereotyped and repetitive use of language
    • Echolalia 
    • Difficulty understanding listener’s perspective like meaning. Humour etc

    Limited interests in activities and restricted and repetitive behaviours: 

    • An unusual focus on parts of an item such as toy
    • Preoccupation with certain items or topics
    • Lining up toy or focused with only 1part of a toy (e.g., spinning wheels) 
    • Limited or lack of pretend play
    • A need for sameness and routines such as eating same food or preferring same route for travel
    • Stereotyped behaviours – Repetitive hand flapping, rocking, or spinning movements 
    • Intense interests in certain topics such as chemicals, vehicles etc.
    • Distress with small changes to the routine
    • Hypo- or hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli such as distress with loud noises or light smell)
    • Hyperactivity 
    • Impulsivity
    • Attention deficit – short attention span

    Associated problems

    • Mental retardation
    • Physical clumsiness
    • Seizures 
    • Gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, or nausea 
    • Mood disorders
    • Anxiety problems
    • Phobias or excessive fears 
    • Transition-related stress
    • Excessive startle
    • Obsessions and compulsions


    Genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers are considered to be the most likely causes of autism spectrum disorders.

    The causes of Autism (Unmada) according to Ayurveda can be summarized as follows:

    • Beejadosha (Genetic alteration, mutation)
    • Aharadosha (Food related causes) such as Viruddhahara (incompatible foods).
    • Viharadosha (Inappropriate regimens)
    • Manaabhighata (Brain injury)
    • Vaikarikabhava such as Bhaya, kopa, soka and harsha (Emotional factors such as fear, anger, sorrow, pleasure etc)


    It has been suggested that Autism Spectrum Disorders can be explained by the disease Unmada. The majority of the clinical features of various varieties of Autism Spectrum Disorders resemble those of Vatika and Kaphaja dominant Unmada.

    There are four parts to the rational Ayurvedic treatment. These are:

    • Dosha pacifying therapy (Samsamana), 
    • Bio-cleansing therapy (Samsodhana or Panchakarma)
    • Avoidance of causative factors (Nidana Parivarjana)
    • Favourable diet and regimens (Pathya Ahara vihara)

    Children with autism require therapies that address their physical, mental, and spiritual needs. The classical Ayurvedic treatment recommended for Unmada (psychological disorders in general) is well suited for the treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

    Here is the classical Ayurvedic management of Unmada:

    • Deepana and Pachana (Drugs and procedures that promote digestion)
    • Snehapana (internal oleation use of medicated ghee)
    • Mridu shodhana (mild body purification by emesis or purgation) 
    • Niruhabasti (decoction enema) and Snehavasti (oil enema) 
    • Sirovirechana or Nasya (medicated nasal drops) 
    • Sanjnaprabodhana (oral medication to stabilize the mind)

    As well as modified Panchakarma therapies, certain procedure-based therapies are also used to treat Autism Spectrum Disorders. They primarily serve to promote brain development as well as reduce or control troublesome behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorders.

    • Abhyangam (Oil massage-head and body) 
    • Siropichu (Overhead application of specific oil) 
    • Sirodhara (Pouring of specific oil over forehead as a continuous stream) 
    • Sirolepam (Overhead application of medicinal paste) 
    • Takradhara (Pouring of medicated buttermilk over forehead as a continuous stream)

    Additional Treatment

    Intensive, sustained special education programs and behavior therapy early in life can facilitate children’s development of self-care skills, social skills, and job skills, as well as improve functioning and decrease the severity of symptoms and maladaptive behaviors, however, the claims that early intervention is crucial at around three years are not substantiated.

    The following approaches are available:

    • Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
    • Developmental models
    • Structured teaching
    • Social skills therapy
    • Occupational therapy

    Among these approaches, interventions either treat autistic characteristics holistically or target specific deficits.


    As a result of Ayurveda-dominated pre-conception care and marriage life style, pre-, post- and neonatal care for pregnant women, foetuses and newborns as well as prescribed daily routines, seasonal care, ethical regimens, it will be possible to prevent and eliminate Autism Spectrum Disorders from society.

    Diets and actions contraindicated are,

    • Alcohol
    • Purgent and spicy food
    • Penetrative and irritant food
    • Irritating insulting incidences and activities
    • Suppression of natural urges
    • Incompletible and polluted food
    • Sleeplessness

    As a neuro-developmental disorder, autism is characterized by social reciprocity deficits and unusual, restricted, repetitive behaviors. Autism Spectrum Disorders can be explained by the disease Unamada in Ayurveda and begin in childhood. They are characterized by qualitative impairments in communication skills, social interactions and reciprocity, imagination and play. There is a high degree of similarity between the majority of clinical features of different varieties of Autism Spectrum Disorders and those of Vatika and Kaphaja dominant Unamada syndromes

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