
At Sankalp ayurveda, we offer the best Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment. Infertility can be caused by many reasons, either a problem with the husband or wife. In order to have a healthy baby, both the sperm and ovum should be in good shape at conception. To be able to pass on all the good qualities to your child, you need to have a healthy mental and physical state.

A healthy seed, good soil, and proper environment are required to grow a plant. Likewise, for a healthy baby, both husband and wife must be healthy (during conception).

Steps of Pregnancy:

Ovulation : In order to become pregnant, a woman must release an egg from one of her ovaries.

Fertilisation: It is necessary for a male sperm to unite with an egg.

Implantation : Fertilized eggs must attach to the uterus’ inside.

What is Infertility?

An infertility condition refers to the inability to conceive (achieve pregnancy) in spite of regular unprotected sexual contact for at least a year.

Both men and women may experience infertility due to inadequate levels of certain hormones, and women may have trouble ovulating.

We provide the best Ayurvedic treatment for male and female infertility, polycystic ovaries, Ovulatory Dysfunction, endometriosis, tubal block, oligospermia with the help of specialized Ayurvedic Infertility treatments at Sankalp Ayurveda Infertility Clinic.

Cause of Female Infertility

There are several reasons leading to infertility or failure to conceive, such as cyst(s) formations in the uterus (PCOS), abnormal ovulation or abstinence from ovulation, tubal block, hormonal imbalance, etc.

P.C.O.D [Polycystic Ovarian Disease]

  • Anovulatory cycles.
  • Fallopian Tube Block (Tubal Block).
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Infection
  • Smoking
  • Stress Factor- Depression or poor self esteem.
  • Over Weight
  • Positive TORCH test.
  • Endometriosis
  • Bad Obstetric history- Recurrent Abortions
  • Cervical narrowing or blockage

Unexplained infertility

The cause of infertility is often never identified. This unexplained fertility problem may be caused by a combination of minor factors in both partners. Couples with unexplained infertility have the highest rates of spontaneous pregnancy of all infertile couples, which is good news.

Cause of Male Infertility

There can be a low sperm count, poor quality sperm, or no sperm at all. These causes are listed below:

  • Varicocele.
  • Hydrocele
  • Mumps
  • Trauma
  • Ejaculation issues:  A retrograde ejaculation occurs when the semen enters the bladder during orgasm rather than exiting the penis.
  • Antibodies that attack sperm:  The anti-sperm antibodies are immune system cells that mistakenly identify sperm as harmful invaders.Chronic alcohol abuse.
  • Excessive stress.
  • Undescended testicles During fetal development, one or both testicles can fail to descend from the abdomen into the sac that normally houses them (scrotum)
  • Hormone imbalances.
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Inadequate vitamin C and Zinc in the diet.
  • Intimates that are too tight:  This increases scrotal temperature, resulting in decreased sperm production.

Pesticides, lead, paint, radiation, radioactive substances, mercury, benzene, boron, and heavy metals are examples of environmental hazards and toxins

Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility

Through specialized Ayurvedic Infertility treatments, Sankalp Ayurveda Infertility Clinic provides best Ayurvedic treatment for Infertility, Polycystic Ovaries, Ovulatory Dysfunction, Endometriosis, Tubal Blocks, Oligospermia and other conditions.

Dietary advice is provided based on the patient’s needs and body dosha status according to Ayurvedic diets for infertility.

The step-by-step process of Shaman, Shodhan, Rasayan, and Vajikaran is performed in Ayurvedic Panchakarma on all couples planning for conception. Panchakarma (Detoxification) helps the body to regain its optimum function.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Purification for Infertility

  1. Basti(Vasti): An enema of medicated oil or decoction is given through the Rectum. A vitiated “Vata” can result in many health problems. Basti releases obstructions in the way of Vata dosha so that it can function normally. In Basti treatment, a variety of medicated oils, ghee, milk or decoctions are used. If administered properly with appropriate medications, it can perform miracles.

As a result of the Basti procedure, the “Vata” dosha is eliminated from the rectum. It balances the “Apana” Dosha, which controls the Shukra Dhatu (Semen) in males and the Aartava (Ovum) in females. In order to regulate Apan Vayu, the procedure “Basti” improves the quality of Semen & Ovum.

A Basti of Sahachar Taila (oil) improves ovulation quality in females. The procedure also improves the quality & quantity of sperm, i.e., it improves sperm count and sperm motility in males.

 Benefits of Basti—

Female Infertility = An irregular menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea and P.C.O.S. Fallopian Tubal Block.

Male Infertility = Decreased motility, erectile dysfunction, low libido, etc.

  1. Uttarbasti (Vasti): There are a number of benefits associated with Uttara basti (Vasti) for gynaecological disorders. It helps to purify and clear the Aartava Vaha Srotas, pacify vitiated Apana Vayu and improve follicular maturity.
  2. Virechan: In this treatment, body toxins that have vitiated Pitta are eliminated through the small intestine and other Pitta zones. Here drugs stimulating bowel movements are increased for the expulsion of doshas through the rectum. It acts on the hormone system.
  3. Vaman: This is a painless, drug-induced emetic procedure performed mostly during the Vasant ritu (February, March, April).

As a result, P.C.O.D. decreases as the Vaman procedure removes internal toxins, acts as hormones to balance the hormonal system, acts on the thyroid gland, stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin at normal levels in order to reduce P.C.O.D.

Panchakarma Procedures have been shown to be very effective for treating PCOS in both males and females. Ayurvedic Medicines for PCOS are very effective in regularizing the hormones. It has been observed that the rate of conception increases after completing panchkarma procedures such as uttar basti(vasti), basti, etc.

Low AMH levels & Ayurvedic Fertility Treatments

Female bodies secrete anti-mullerian hormones (AMH), which are produced by small immature eggs. The number of follicles in a woman diminishes with age, which is why it is easier for a woman to conceive in her 20’s than in her 30’s, and becoming increasingly difficult in her 40’s. As a result of diet, stress, and lifestyle disorders, we have noticed that female egg reserves may diminish much earlier than expected.

Taking an AMH test tells you how many egg reserves are present, but does not tell you how good the eggs are. Egg quality also declines as you age, so the whole misconception that low AMH is normal should be dispelled.

Factors that cause

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Age
  • Unhealthy Habits
  • Genetic factor
  • Environmental causes
  • Stress
  • Unknown (Idiopathic)
  • Symptoms

The symptoms of low AMH levels are not obvious. Some people might have irregular menstrual cycles and have difficulty conceiving. A blood test is necessary to diagnose this condition.

What is the effect of low AMH on fertility?

In women with low AMH levels, ovulation (egg rupture) may be difficult, making it difficult to get pregnant.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Low AMH in female Inferility

Treatment protocol for infertility caused by low AMH in Ayurveda.

Shodhan Purification : This is the first step towards achieving a healthy body through Panchakarma.

Shaman: Through the use of oral medicines, the vital forces of the body (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are balanced

Rasayan: The word “Rasayan” means attaining excellent rasadi dhatus. It helps in optimum quality and quantity of rasadi dhatus, forcing the body tissues to be nourished properly. It improves microcirculation in the body, producing healthy tissues.

Yoga & Meditation: As a couple facing problems of infertility, yoga and meditation help to attain mental stability and positivity. Mental health is important during conception and planning for a baby.

Symptoms and treatment of low sperm motility in Ayurveda

There are two types of sperm motility: slow motility and fast motility. Healthy sperms have to move through female reproductive organs and fertilize eggs, for which they need to move smoothly.

 Progressive motility (The majority of swimming is done in a straight line or in a large circle)

 Non-progressive motility (Sperms that are not straight-line swimmers or swim in small, tight circles)

Male sperm must have a minimum progressive motility of 25 micrometers a second to swim from the cervix to fertilize a woman’s egg. This condition is called asthenospermia or asthenozoospermia.

Most of all infertility cases are caused by male factors. Semen abnormalities commonly affect 7 percent of men. The most common abnormalities are as follows:

  • Low sperm count
  • Low sperm Motility
  • Abnormal sperm shapes
  • No sperm count


There are many factors that can affect sperm health. The most common causes of low sperm motility are:

  • Infection
  • Injury
  • Varicoceles
  • Improper nutrition
  • Excessive heat


Some men may experience low sexual drive, but this is mostly diagnosed by a routine semen test. Low sperm motility has no obvious symptoms.

How low motility affects fertility & conception

For sperm to reach a female’s egg, it has to swim from the vagina to the cervix, then into the uterus, and finally into the fallopian tube. If sperm motility is low or asthenospermia is present, fertilization of the egg is not possible, resulting in a failure of conception.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Low Sperm motility

In Ayurveda, the aim is to improve sperm health in low motility. Several herbs, such as Ashwagandha, Kapikachu, Vidari, are useful in treating male infertility. In cases of male infertility, the following protocols of Ayurveda and Panchakarma are helpful in treating cases of low motility and low sperm count.


 Shodhan: As part of any fertility treatment, cleansing and detoxification are essential steps. This helps remove toxins (aam) from the body and also improves nutrient absorption.

 Rasayan: The word “Rasayan” means attaining excellent rasadi dhatus. It improves microcirculation in the body thereby producing good quality body tissues by ensuring that it promotes the quality and quantity of rasadi dhatus. Thus, all tissues in the body are properly nourished.

 Vajikaran : The patient’s condition determines whether or not aphrodisiac ayurvedic medicines are advised.

 Diet: Food plays an important role in the nutrition of the body, and a diet plan based on a patient’s needs should be devised.

Abhyanga + Steam

Abhyanga + Shiroddhara

Marma Abhyanga Steam

Potli Abhyanga / Kizhi

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