Garbhini Paricharya

Antenatal Care

A tree grows its roots deep when it is a small plant. It requires a lot of attention for molding it, shaping it, and protecting it in the initial stage and that’s how it flourishes into a massive Tree.

Nature is wondrous in its ways, and one of the greatest blessings is, it gives the Garbhini the freedom to mould her baby in her womb.

The Garbhini’s thoughts, actions, words, and deeds have a complete influence on the unborn’ s body, mind, and soul.

Nourishing the Garbhini not just with food but also with mantras, shlokas, and a positive mind frame is a gift to the Motherhood. Empowering her to take an active role in her pregnancy and labor, and educating her on her influence on
the unborn child, alters the complete dynamics of childbirth. We at Sankalp, invite you to take your pregnancy in your power and use nature’s opportunity to mould your baby’s body, mind, and soul.

Packages Designed According to Garbha Samskar

Mantras and Shlokas according to the Trimester

Nine months diet in accordance with the growth of the foetus in the womb and ensuring the health and nourishment of the mother

Do’s and don’ts in pregnancy

Dealing with pregnancy symptoms and complications in a natural way

Lactation counselling

Labor and Birth Session

Lamaze Session


Trimesters Wise

To know more, contact us at

+91 99809 03833 | 80951 12221