Child Health

Autism is a developmental disorder in which social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication are challenged. The effective use of these therapies and procedures will ensure better healing of Autism for the child. Autism can be cured by combining physical, mental, and spiritual therapies.

In Ayurveda, there are various treatments that can be used to treat Autism, including:

1. Medicines that improve digestive functions

There is a clear mention in the Ayurvedic classics that toxic metabolites can reach the brain and damage its functions by crossing the gut mucosa. When these toxic metabolites accumulate in the digestive system, they can cause disease. Using this therapy, the child’s digestive and metabolic functions are improved, reducing toxic substance levels and improving intestinal mucosal immunity.

Takradhara for quality sleep in Autistic children:
In Autistic individuals, Takradhara treatment reduces anxiety and stress by calming the mind.

An Ayurvedic detoxification method called panchakarma is one of the ultimate methods of detoxification. The fact that Panchakarma can be applied to a variety of cases for its preventive, curative and promoterical purposes demonstrates its importance and validity in treating various diseases.

There are five specific detoxification procedures known as Panchakarma, which can be administered to a healthy individual or to a diseased individual. In a healthy person, panchakarma therapy has a preventive effect on the body, while in a diseased person, it aids in detoxification and restoring health equilibrium.

  • The Takradhara procedure is one of the most widely used Panchakarma therapies used to combat chronic diseases. It involves pouring medicated buttermilk over the forehead continuously in a specific manner.
  • It is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment for psychosomatic disorders, autism, ADHD, insomnia, and regulating emotions and behavior.

Mode of action of Takradhara:
When Takradhara is poured over the forehead continuously, it may be able to communicate with the deepest recesses of the brain by soothing the Marmas; Marmas are Pranas and may be associated with vital energy. Marma points activate the immune system of the body when stimulated.

By stimulating these Marmas, Takradhara works to improve circulation, which, in turn, improves blood circulation in the brain. This improves higher intellectual functions, which in turn improves psychic symptoms.

In addition to improving circulation to hypothalamus, hypothalamus stimulation causes many physiological disturbances during stress.

Pituitary glands, pineal bodies, and subcortical structures of the midbrain are related to higher cognitive functions, including anger, grief, pain, fear, and memory.

In this level, TakraDhara improves their functions.

Limbic System [is the part of the brain responsible for three key functions]
3. AROUSAL (Stimulation)} and hypothalamus

A decrease of most psychosomatic disorders may be related to Takradhara’s effects on the hypothalamus, which regulates feelings of rage, pain, aggression, pleasure and behavior.

In addition to keeping oneself active and energetic at all times, it can also be used as a rejuvenation therapy.


  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Hypertension
  • Stress Management
  • Insomnia
  • Premature Greying of Hair
  • A migraine
  • Impaired metabolism
  • Diseases of the ear
  • Diseases of the Eye
  • Psoriasis
  • Alzheimers disease
  • Paralysis

Duration of the Treatment:

  • The duration of the treatment is determined by Vata and Pitta Doshas in the body. For maximum results, we suggest a continuous treatment of one week every day.
  • Then, periodic treatments will allow one to concentrate solely on work and lifestyle without having to worry about their health.

2. Internal administration of Ghritha(Kushmanda Gritham):
This will allow the active ingredients to be transported across the BBB more easily. Drugs containing psychotropic effects are pre-processed in lipid base.

A Ghrita (Kushmanda gritham) contains Medhya (cognitive enhancing) drugs that are used in preparations used in Autism. This gives a synergetic action that corrects the mental and intellectual faculties of the patient.

Drugs given in the form of ghee, a lipid that is rapidly absorbed in the central nervous system.

Traditional ghee contains DHA, an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is found in high concentrations in brain cells.

Ghee is known to have antioxidant properties that act upon the degenerative brain cells and repair them when they are in decline. Studies on this concept have shown that DHA can be helpful in cognitive decline.

The antioxidant properties of ghee prevent the degeneration of neurons in the brain and help them heal.

The ghee also helps in normalizing some kind of chemical changes in the brain and balances neurotransmitters. Medical Ghee can also be included in the diet. By using this in large quantities, it opposes the unhealthy diet pattern that contributes to Autism. It can be seen as a treatment which channels Vata and normalizes Pitta. In addition to clearing the channels to the mind, ghee helps reduce stress on a physical and biological level by balancing chemical changes in the brain. In addition to enhancing cognitive abilities, ghee can also be combined with a variety of combinations based on the symptoms. Almost all diseases are caused by deranged digestive fire. Ghee is the only drug that can enhance and correct digestive fire, improve Satwa Guna (purest quality of mind) and cure diseases.

3. Application of medicated oil on the head
Since four sense organs and their centers are connected on the head, applying oil on it nourishes the sense organs.

As in Ayurveda, the head is like an inverted tree. This is because the roots of a tree are what keep it healthy, just as the head is the root of the entire body.

By rejuvenating the brain, sense organs, and all of the body’s nerves, the head plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the whole body.


  • Relieves a headache and migraine
  • Helps to keep healthy in Sense organs
  • Soothes the nerves
  • Avoids Depression
  • Reduces the burning sensation in the scalp
  • Corrects Metabolism
  • Enhances memory
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Delays aging

In general, ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, affects millions of children and often extends into adulthood. In most cases, it is diagnosed during the elementary school years, but it may also occur in toddlers.

ADHD primarily manifests as difficulties maintaining attention, behavioral problems, and emotional problems.

Difficulty in controlling attention
Sometimes the child does not seem to hear when someone speaks, and sometimes he or she struggles to perform simple tasks and is quickly confused.

When they concentrate quite well and take an interest in video games, they ignore the tasks that are hard or require more effort.

Trouble in controlling behaviour and emotions
It is common for a child to show signs of hyperactivity, often feeling worried or having difficulty playing quietly. They show signs of impulsivity and constantly obstruct others’ progress.

Understanding ADHD through the lenses of Ayurveda
Doshas are the three primary vital energies that make up the body. These energies vary from person to person with various combinations of earth, ether, fire, and water.

Combined with these elements, there are three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Vata dosha has high levels of air, Pitta dosha has high levels of fire, and Kapha dosha has high levels of either water or earth.

Every imbalance of dosha disturbs the body, but Vata dosha is the main culprit in ADHD. Let’s discuss Vata’s different functions in our body;

Vata – The controller
Due to its control of the entire brain, Vata is responsible for the control of the thinking process and thought control. Therefore, imbalance can cause mental instability, irrelevant discussions, and overall distort the ability of a child to maintain a balance between the talks.

Vata – The carrier of Indriyas (Organs)
We move our heads by helping the eyes see the objects, and we gain knowledge from them by using Vata. Vata is responsible for how sense organs are perceived and how they function.

Apparently, both work with a sense of coordination, and it is vata that brings coordination to all sense organs.

Vata weakness affects a child’s ability to move his hands, to see or hear clearly, even to initiate or coordinate.

Sense organs for hearing are first initiated so that they can recognize a stimulus. Vata is required to convey the sound to the hearing apparatus. If somehow the vata part is defective, no sound can be heard.

Even though there is no physical damage to the organ, the association links get disturbed, causing everything to be disturbed.

Vata and speech –
Because Vata initiates the speech, someone whose vata is defective is unable to speak properly.

Broca and Wernicke are both considered primary motor speech areas, and they are also secondary motor speech areas, which are involved in speech production. The primary factor affecting its functioning is vata. If the vata system is defective, the person cannot even utter a single word.

Vata – The proper channel for joy and high energy expressions-
It is the vata activity of a person that determines how satisfied and energetic they can be. When vata activity is strong, a person leads a happy, joyful, and contributing life to society fully. However, if vata is weak, the person always finds excuses to avoid social activities. Despite his lack of interest and responsibility, he shows little interest.

ADHD children lack social skills and do not participate in any activities, so they are less social.

VATA & PITTA Dosha; Primary culprits in ADHD –
In children with ADHD, vata and pitta doshas are imbalanced. Although vata dosha dominates at the beginning, higher levels of vata dosha imbalance impair pitta dosha, leading to eagerness, frenzy, and jumping.

As a result of high pitta dosha levels in children, children’s energy levels, zestful brain functions, and behavior issues are common.

An imbalance of Vata manifests in mind as particular instability, agitation, or hypersensitivity. When Vata is aggravated, children may experience accelerated mood swings, fear, anxiety, contractions, a sense of being scattered, losing direction, extreme speed in thoughts and words, and their speech may be impaired.

Vata dosha and digestive fire –
In addition to Vata dosha, digestive fire has a deep relationship with it.

Vata is positioned in the body that regulates all of the metabolic activities and increases the digestive juices. All of the digestive functions are carried out by the Agni, which is further initiated, amplified and stimulated by the Agni. In children, Vata dosha causes severe constipation and stomach aches as it stimulates the digestive fire and causes dryness. As a result, Vata doesha tends to cause dryness in the body.

The agitated and jumping behavior of children is aggravated by severe constipation, difficulties passing stools.

Each individual’s dosha order is identified in Ayurvedic medicine in order to recognize imbalances.

As an example, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is an ailment that mainly affects people. Although during ancient times, ayurvedic doctors treated this disorder.

Causes of ADHD in children:
Despite the lack of an exact cause for ADHD, here are several risk factors that can contribute to its occurrence in children;

  • Low birth weight
  • Births that occur prematurely
  • Premature birth
  • Alcohol and nicotine exposures during pregnancy can increase the risk of ADHD.

According to Ayurveda –

  • In pregnancy, excessive Vata and Pitta consumption is associated with increased dietary intake.
  • Junk, canned, preserved, and spicy food consumption.

Ayurvedic Treatment for ADHD
As we have mentioned earlier that ADHD occurs due to Vata imbalance and pitta imbalance, so the main focus of treatment is correcting the Vata & pitta dosha imbalances. Ultimately, Ayurvedic treatments help enhance intelligence, concentration, learning, and speaking abilities by treating the imbalanced levels of Vata and pitta dosha in the brain.

Brain functions are normalized and improved by correcting vata and pitta doshas.

Ayurvedic treatments for ADHD–
A Nadipariksha will reveal the imbalance of doshas (vata, pitta and kappa). Various treatment options are employed to balance these doshas, including internal medicines (customised medications) and panchakarma treatments administered by doctors. Ayurvedic treatments reduce body heat and soothe or cool the brain by reducing body heat.

Takradhara –
Using Takradhara produces mental calmness by stimulating the marmas, which further improves brain circulation. Takradhara provides soothing effects to the marmas.

In addition, the increase in circulation to the hypothalamus creates mental calmness and decreases the feeling of anger, pain, aggression, pleasure, and behavioral patterns.

Thalapothichil is a specific procedure of applying medicated paste to the head. It is a calming influence on the nervous system and enhances sleep quality and relieves headaches. It also reduces the intensity of the headaches. This therapy is effective in improving the imbalanced digestive & metabolic activity of the child’s body. Thalapothichil also eases and tranquilizes the mind and stabilizes the central nervous system.

Nasya karma
A combination of herbal medicated oils is administered to a child through the nose in Nasya Karma. The medicated oil reaches the brain through the nasal passage; it cleanses the various channels and improves the oxygenation. There was a very effective treatment for ADHD in Nasya oil with medicated herbs that crumbled Vata.

Shiros refer to heads and vastis refer to containers, so this is a method of holding medicated oil on the head. Because Shirovasti balances Vata and Kapha in the brain and maintains the balance between the brain and skull, it is an effective treatment for ADHD. As a result, it is not recommended for children under 2 years of age, as they may not have sufficient holding capacity in cases of more behavioral issues.

A healthy brain is the inverted root of the body. Its nourishment increases sensory perception. Inflammatory changes in the brain, nerves, and sense organs result from vitiated vata and pita, and since the brain and nervous system control the body, applying shirovasti helps smooth body function and calms the brain. It soothes agitated and stressed minds.

Children’s bodies are expelled of morbid doshas through vasti treatment. In vasti treatment, medicated liquids and oils are administered through the anus, and this method is sufficient to discharge body toxins. With its amazing ability to regulate and discharge Vata disorders, it produces soothing and relaxing effects on the brain, reducing dancing, sharp or biting behavior.

The marma points in the abhyanga are known as marmabhyanga. Marmabhyanga can reduce inflammation, improve brain function, calm the mind, and give deep sleep for ADHD children.

The Ayurvedic therapeutic remedy thalam is one of the most effective treatments for a range of diseases.

As well as treating insomnia, stress, tension, and other mental conditions, Thalam is a very effective treatment.

As a treatment procedure, THALAM involves applying medicines to the head center with one’s hands. Due to its ancient origin, it has been redesigned as a way of treating diseases arising from modern-day lifestyles such as lack of memory, lack of willpower, and lack of concentration.

As a traditional practice, Thalam involves applying a medicated paste to the center of the top of the head. After retaining the medicine for at least an hour, the area is to be cleaned thoroughly and rubbed with choornam, which is prepared separately. Depending on the condition of the patient and the severity of the disease, the treatment can last a few days to a few weeks.

Benefits of Thalam:
These treatments have many benefits and they are all connected in some way to the ‘pitta vikaar’ in the body. An excess of pitta in the body results in a variety of ailments due to heat accumulation in the body. The thalam cancels the ill effects of pitta, thereby providing relief from several disorders

  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Skin irritation
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Migraine
  • Sinusitis
  • Throat problems
  • Hypertension
  • Mental disorders

A person gains rejuvenation and pleasantness that were lost as a result of pitta dosha once coolness is generated in the head.

In addition to nourishing the brain cells, it prevents brain cell damage, which in turn reduces mental disorders.

There is no doubt that Thalam treatments are very powerful and effective for de-addiction.

Abhyanga + Steam

Abhyanga + Shiroddhara

Marma Abhyanga Steam

Potli Abhyanga / Kizhi

To know more, contact us at

+91 99809 03833 | 80951 12221