Anti-ageing Rasayana

Rasayana is a way to attain the highest quality of body tissues, thereby improving one’s quality of life through Ayurveda.

For the promotion of health as well as for the improvement of immune resistance, Rasayana therapy can be given to healthy individuals. A rasayana therapy begins with a series of body purification techniques, followed by herbal formulations to cleanse the body and channels.

Several studies have demonstrated that Rasayana medicines have immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, antioxidant, anti-ageing, nutritive, anabolic, haemopoetic, neuroprotective, and nootropic (enhancing brain function and intelligence) properties. Rasayana therapy consists of numerous types and herbal combinations that are tailored to each individual’s needs.

Effects of Rasayana Therapy

  • Enhances the metabolic process resulting in optimal bio transformation and optimal nourishment of all tissues
  • Enhances the ability to think and remember
  • Enhances the immune system and promotes general health
  • Enhances the appearance of the skin
  • Enhanced sense organ function
  • Enhances the virility and vitality of the individual

Types of Rasayana Rejuvenation Therapy

A Rasayana can be categorised into three types, depending on the desired outcome:

  • Naimittika Rasayana— It is the curative Rasayana that is used to combat or balance a specific cause of disease.
    • It is also called Vayasthapan Rasayana, and is used to maintain good health and improve quality of life through a healthy lifestyle, diet, or exercise.
  • The Kamya Rasayana is a rejuvenation procedure designed to serve a specific purpose. There are four types of Kamya Rasayana:
    • Maintaining optimal prana quality in the body is the goal of Prana Kamya.
    • For the enhancement of memory and intellect, Medhya Kamya can be used.
    • Ayush Kamya for increasing longevity.
    • The use of Ayush Kamya to increase longevity is recommended.
  • In general, there are two modes of administration
    • Kutipraveshika (Kuti = cottage, Pravesha = entry) refers to an indoor management therapy in which the individual lives in a specially prepared cottage for an extended period of time while ingesting various Rasayana herbs.
    • Vatatapika— Atapa is heat or sun, and vata is air – it is good for people engaged in everyday activities. It is an outdoor management treatment that involves taking Rasayana while the subject is exposed to air and heat.

Modalities can be divided into three types:

  • The Achara Rasayana (behavioural modalities) is a way of enhancing health, happiness, and longevity focusing on psychological and spiritual well-being.
  • In Ahara Rasayana (dietary modalities), rules are outlined in relation to eating, the types of food and their properties, etc.
  • The Aushada Rasyana are specific herbs and their combinations that are used to treat various ailments.
  • It is recommended that those who wish to undergo Rasayana treatment undergo a complete panchakarma detoxification under the guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor and then begin the Rasayana treatment based on their age, body type, and current status.

Treatments using Rasayana

  • Swedana (the use of herbal steam to loosen toxins).
  • The application of Ayurvedic therapies to the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears.
  • Abhyanga (rejuvenation of the body through the use of ayurvedic oil massages).
  • Kizhi (Medicated pouches used for hot fermentation therapy).
  • The use of medicated oil and herbal enema as part of a basti (colon detoxification).
  • The use of warm medicated oils in pizhichil is used to tone muscles.
  • In Shirodhara / Shirovasti, warm medicated oils are applied to the forehead or top of the head in order to rejuvenate the nervous system.